Monday, July 9, 2012

St. John's Newfoundland

We continued to have good weather.  All of the rain has basically come on travel days.  We spent a day in the St. John's area. 
The most eastern point in North America is Cape Spear, just south of St. John's.  The site has two lighthouses.  The one on the right is the old non-functioning lighthouse, while the one on the left is functioning.  On this site the movie "The Rare Bird" was filmed.  The hotel in the movie was a shell constructed on the packing lot.  On previous trips icebergs and whales have been spotted here.
Sign stating that "Canada begins here"

We drove up to Signal Hill.  The site was extremely crowded because it was Canada Day.  St. John's is the oldest city in North America, dating back to the 1500's.  The city is becoming very modern with the associated urban sprawl. 
Signal Hill guards the entrance to St. John's Harbor (above).  The city was fought over for many years between France and England.  Newfoundland was considered a Republic for many years before coming under greater British control.  The Republic flag looked like the Irish flag with pink replacing the orange on the Irish flag.  It is still flown around St. John's as a protest against Canada for closing down the Cod fishery and taking so much of the oil revenue.  In 1947 Newfoundland joined Canada.
While on Signal Hill this Newfoundland dog was photographed.  How appropriate!

Westtern Newfoundland will be the next installment.


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